What is Pretty?
A Book of Affirmations
Inspired by and dedicated to my two daughters, What is Pretty? is a collection of poetic affirmations meant to uplift and encourage girls and women of all ages.
I have gathered women of various ages and backgrounds and asked them each "what is Pretty?". These definitions bring life and color to this book of affirmations and I believe that it will inspire you.
Throughout the book, you will find both conversation and writing prompts, testimonials from women of various ages and backgrounds, Moments in the Mirror (affirming statements), several original poems, along with a journal to reflect and notate your thoughts. What is Pretty? A Book of Affirmations offers the perfect conversation piece for both parents to review and converse with their daughters about self-esteem and self-love. There is power in loving yourself and creating standards that speak to your self-worth and self-esteem. From a father to his two daughters, I humbly pray this book inspires you!
What is Pretty? is a book of poetic affirmations, a book for conversation, a book of different thought provoking reflections and a journal to bring all your thoughts into one place.

Celebrating What is Pretty? A Book of Affirmations
Celebrating What is Pretty? A Book of Affirmations
What is Pretty? featuring Angela
What is Pretty? featuring Angela
What is Pretty? featuring Carmelita
What is Pretty? featuring Carmelita
What is Pretty? featuring Isreal
What is Pretty? featuring Isreal
What is Pretty? featuring Zauryn
What is Pretty? featuring Zauryn